Thursday, October 17, 2013

Restore My Heart

I am currently doing an inspiring Bible study with Elisa. 
It's Restore My Heart by Denise Glenn. 
Wow! If you want to know who you are, that is the study to do. 

Denise takes us through the Jewish, Biblical traditions of marriage and how they reflect what Jesus has done for us, His bride. 

Jesus has passionate love for His bride, the church. 
You and I are the church. 

We are learning that like the Jewish groom, 
Jesus chooses us and comes to us to seek us out. 

The prospective groom asks for her consent for marriage. Our Jesus stands at the door and knocks, we open the door to Him and He comes in! 

When the Jewish man comes to the woman he brings wine and if she consents to the marriage they drink the wine together. 
The Lord's supper will never be the same to me again. Every time I drink it now
I will be saying YES! Lord, I accept your invitation. Let me be consecrated to you for eternity.

The third week, the one we are working on now, is about the cleansing. 
For the Jewish bride is totally immersed into a cleansing bath representing that she is washing off the old life and will now have her new identity as wife. 

So we, in Christ, are washed with the Word. We are washed in the blood and we are immersed, to come up as a new creation, our new identity, the Bride of Christ. Daily, through His power we are preparing ourselves as Christ's Bride. 

Because what God does is good, His cleansing and purification of me makes me holy. His power transforms me and makes me knew. 
The title under my portrait as the Bride of Christ reads: 

"She is a vessel of honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work" 

Doesn't that make you want to live out what your true identity is? 
A vessel of honor, sanctified, useful and prepared for His good work. 

That's as far as I have gotten. I really recommend the study. In fact, I think we should do the study together sometime. I have been a Christian many years and I am being refreshed and renewed by the washing from His Word that I am getting. 

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