Thursday, June 30, 2011

Some thoughts from Elisa


“We were hiding from His face, covered by our shame, and lost without a hope.
There was nothing we could do to turn our situation around, nothing in our hands to give us a means of escape.
But love broke through the darkest night to find us and bring us back home.
In the incarnation of Jesus,
in His life,
His death,
and His resurrection,
we see the mighty God of love in action.
It is a love that 
seeks us,
saves us,
rescues us,
and revives us.
It is patient and kind, neither self seeking or easily angered.
It keeps no record of wrongs.
It always hopes,
always trusts,
always perseveres.
This love breaks down boundaries,
presses through uncertainties,
and refuess to be stopped by any obstacle in its path.
At Calvary itself we witness the purest love this world will ever see.
It is an act so mysterious and magnificent that we shall be singing about it through all of eternity.
The cross of Jesus has many layers – in its complexity we find such themes as justice
and suffering;
and hope.
But right there in the center, making sense of them all…
We find love.
{Quote from Mirror Ball by Matt Redman}
I’m in process of reading an absolutely fantastic book, “Mirror Ball” by Matt Redman. The back of the book says, “Passion is more than a song or a feeling. Its a story of guts and glory, perseverance and purpose. For anyone who follows Jesus, passion is a way of life. But how do we live out this grand calling?”
That is exactly the question that I have been asking myself for the past couple of weeks.
I don’t want to live a life of sanitary, safe nothingness.
I want to live free and passionate…taking risks and savoring every moment.
But at the same time, I am called by God to holy and set apart. And this holiness is a standard in which that life I desire, the one of passion and freedom, doesn’t always seem to fit.
Ah, and so I go back to the other extreme. Legalism and fear of failing.
Its a tough balance.
And one I’m trying to find in my own life.
So I’m really looking forward to finishing this book.
It has already changed my life.

1 comment:

  1. I have been thinking about passion.
    I love it's power and it's strength.
    Things move when we have passion.
    Here are some people that have passion,
    passion steered by the God and His Holy Spirit.
    This site is about a book of heroes but there are a few videos that tell the story of a passion bridled by Christ.
