Thursday, December 26, 2013


If you need help with your savings -

I found a great chart to help with savings. 
It seems simple enough 
and painless enough.
We only have to do it one year. 

Print it out, hang it up and 
start saving. 
Create a pattern, for instance, 
every Monday put that money in an envelope. 
Do not dip into that envelope. 
It won't be too hard till the last month or so, but be brave. 

Imagine this, what if you didn't happen to have that money in your wallet that week, would you still go on? Would you still make a way to live out the rest of your week? Of course you would! 
There are very few things we must absolutely have or we can't make it  through the week. 
Take it from me, I know. 
The Lord has taken me to a place where a dollar was all I had, and you know what? 
Here I am, alive and well. 
You can do it too! Save that money. 

Additionally, another reason to save the money is to prove to yourself that money is not your master. That the cares of this world are not your master. That the chain of demands are your master. 
God is. 

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