November 2011
A few of the Antioch gatherings.
Soup Sunday at the Abeles. Everyone is welcome, we'd love to see you.
The families of Antioch rejoiced with the Ashley's when they had their new baby.
Some took meals over.
Here Moses and Benjamin make turkey's for the Ashley's meal.
The Kemp home group met at the Morphonios' home in November. Lesson by David,
snack and craft by Mary and Benjamin - and Moses, he was an expert on making those turkeys.
The proud winner.
The lesson by Papa Ball.
After the Bible lesson came airplane making ;)
December 2011
Only a few of the Antioch activities.
Operation Christmas Child
We prayed during the packing, asking the Lord to use these boxes to bring Jesus to the little children.
Dinner afterward.
The women's Christmas fellowship. Very lovely, thank you Crystal.
January 1, 2012
Starting the new year with an open house at the Fox's. Delightful. Thank you Fox family.
Are there any other young women that could have this much fun with vintage toys?
Love those two.
Thank you Cindy and Geoff for the pictures :)
I'm pretty sure no one else could have as much fun as Elisa and Hannah. :) Thanks, Mary! It was fun looking at these.